Tag: generator
Arduino: Audio Frequency Generator
Back in good ol’ 2012 (the year the world was supposed to end), I posted some code for a simple Arduino controlled low-frequency oscillator (LFO). It has made its way into some very interesting projects over the years, but recently I was asked in the comments if the code could be modified to have a…
Arduino: 1-Watt 2m Transmitter with RF Signal Generator
Since I do a lot of RF projects, I wanted to see if I could make a 2m power amplifier using a minimal set of components. I have a number of BS170 MOSFET transistors that I’ve used for dozens of applications over the years from guitar pedal pre-amps to digital control circuits. I started this…
ngSpice: single frequency FM modulated signal generation
ever wanted to see how that 2N2222 might hold up as a linear RF amplifier? here’s a handy feature of ngSpice that i found recently. i’m rather new to ngSpice and at first was somewhat frustrated by its differences from other SPICE variants. however, i’ve earned a deep appreciation for it and its integration with…