• the Triode: final build

    final build of my take on the Mitsumin Valvecaster.

  • electronics at work

  • Ampeg Super Jet SJ-12T repair…

    I’ve seen a lot of the same complaints on various forums regarding these amps. Basically, the amp starts to get noisy and the occasional arcing can be heard through the speaker. The problem seems more exaggerated when using the tremolo circuit which is just a phase-shift LFO modulating the negative grid voltage. I’m not so…

  • NOAA 19 APT copy…

    just a copy with a homebrew 2m ground plane antenna on the roof top with the FT-60. pretty surprising results considering the antenna isn’t even tuned for 137MHz.

  • arduino temperature TV…

    kind of a goofy experiment, but really useful. i’ve had a lot of LM335Zs laying around for a while. my christmas present this year was a new Arduino Mega 2560 board that i’ve hardly had a chance to do anything with. using the lovely Space Tinkerer’s blog and the good ol’ TVOut library, i turned…

  • simple phase shift oscillator…

    a practice in designing an oscillator. this particular circuit employs a 2N2222A transistor on 6 volts. i used this Electronic-Tutorials.ws page to design the circuit. there were many reasons for this experiment, but the most immediate was to act as a simple CW practice oscillator. the final circuit looks something like the following.

  • light bulb current limiter…

    homemade light bulb current limiter. i’ll add more to this later.

  • sqrt() reverb…

    this was the final build before it shipped out. circuit is a simple MOSFET (BS170) driver stage followed by two JFET (J201) recovery stages. i’ve included a sound sample of a similar reverb i built later without the second recovery stage and clipping diodes. it makes for a much more subtle reverb, but also tames…

  • Mistumin Valve Caster build…

    a tube overdrive build for Anthony of the The New Diet and The Regular Fucked Up People. it’s my take on the Mitsumin valve caster with the values i tend to use and a Telefunken 12AX7. excuse the ugliness for this one is just the prototype. four sections of clean vs. effected total. [audio:http://abrammorphew.com/notes/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/tube_overdrive_sample_long_02.mp3|titles=Tube Overdrive…